Final Screen

Editorial Board Final Screen

التدقيق النهائي للبحوث للنشر من قبل هيئة التحرير

  • Editorial Board Final Screen
Editorial Board final Screen
Please answer with “Yes” or “No”. if your answer is No then insert your comments in the comments box by putting the statement No. (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 bellow) followed by your comment. If all answers are “Yes” then put No. comments.
1- The researchers modified the Manuscript considering all the required adjustments as requested by the editorial board.
2. The researchers modified the Manuscript considering all the required adjustments as requested by the reviewers
3. Plagiarism ratio of less than 20%
4. The Manuscript is printed according to the TJES template
5. Manuscript language is sobriety?
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The Desission
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