Letters With Scopus

Title: Journal of Tikrit University for Humanities
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1817-6798 / 2664-0570
Publisher: Tikrit University

Dear Prof. Aziz Abdulla,

The above mentioned title has been suggested for inclusion in Scopus:

  • The website of this title must make available a recognized publication ethics and malpractice statement in English (as it should be readable for an international audience). For further guidance, please visit this page

Please visit this direct link for guidelines on creating a publication ethics and malpractice statement and what it should adhere to: Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements


Yours sincerely,

Scopus Title Evaluation Support

Title: Tikrit Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1813-1719 /
Publisher: Tikrit University

Dear Prof. Aziz Abdulla,

The above mentioned title has been suggested for inclusion in Scopus:

  • The website of this title must make available a recognized publication ethics and malpractice statement in English (as it should be readable for an international audience). For further guidance, please visit this page

Please visit this direct link for guidelines on creating a publication ethics and malpractice statement and what it should adhere to: Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements


Yours sincerely,

Scopus Title Evaluation Support



Title: Tikrit Journal for Dental Sciences ISSN / E-ISSN: 2073-1213/
Publisher: Tikrit University

Dear Prof. Aziz Abdulla,
The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB):
– There are a few good, informative articles, but also many articles that make little contribution to the field.
– Despite being published for quite some time, articles in this title have attracted few citations by other titles currently covered by Scopus.
– The journal shows an uneven scholarly quality in the articles
– A significant proportion of the articles is of low academic quality.
Reason other: Unclear if there are author fees for publication and what those fees are. This should be clearly stated on the website.
– Many good international journals already cover this subject area.\r\n
Reason other: Too many authors and editors from the same university.
Finally, we strongly advise you to read through our FAQs:
Helping to improve the Scopus submission & success process for editors and publishers: https://embed.widencdn.net/download/elsevier/olbvgdobzi/SC_FAQ-content-selection-process_Jan2019.pdf?u=simrzc
Role of an editor: https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/95117/SC_FAQ-Role-of-an-Editor-22092014.pdf
Yours sincerely,

Title: Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1813-1646 / 2664-0597
Publisher: Tikrit University


The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB :

Thank you for your request to have the Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences be indexed in Scopus.
Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences is published by the Tikrit University.
The journal publishes in the subject areas of ‘Food science. Animal production. Soil science and water resources. Horticulture and landscape design. Field crops. Plant protection. Agricultural extension and economics. Agricultural machinery and equipment’.
The journal uses a double blind review process.
Members of the editorial board and the editorial advisory board are predominately from Tikrit University, Iraq.
Before the journal can be re-evaluated again to be indexed in Scopus, the following issues have to be clarified.
1. Articles published in Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences are poorly cited in journals already indexed in Scopus. Before a journal can be accepted to be indexed in Scopus, a more solid record in the number of citations in journals already indexed in Scopus is required. Of the 273 articles published in 2014-2016, only 2 were cited in 2017, placing the journal in the 0th percentile, i.e., the lowest, among its peer journals in the general area of agriculture and biological sciences.

2. The journal has a broad scope. It may be advantageous for the journal to reduce its scope and focus on its strongest areas. Likewise, there are already many journals in the subject areas the Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences covers. It begs the question if another journal in this area is warranted. Unless there is a strong local interest/significance. See point #3.

3. The content of the articles, including authorship, and the membership of the editorial team give the strong impression the journal is focused strongly on a region. The journal could post on its website under focus/scope of the journal content that it is mainly focused on the region.

As a final comment. The academic standing of the main handling editors is fair. It is important for a scientific journal to have Editors-in-Chief, who also have an academic/research position, to have a solid academic standing in their discipline as reflected by their overall publication/citation record as documented in Scopus.


Finally, we strongly advise you to read through our FAQs:
Helping to improve the Scopus submission & success process for editors and publishers: https://embed.widencdn.net/download/elsevier/olbvgdobzi/SC_FAQ-content-selection-process_Jan2019.pdf?u=simrzc
Role of an editor: https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/95117/SC_FAQ-Role-of-an-Editor-22092014.pdf

Yours sincerely,

Title: Medical Journal of Tikrit University
ISSN / E-ISSN: 1813-1638 /
Publisher: Tikrit University


The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised to not accept the title for Scopus inclusion at the present time. For your information, the reviewer comments are copied below:

“The Medical Journal of Tikrit University (1813-1638 / n.a.) is published in Iraq by Tikrit University. It is publishing around 40 items per annum, but with no citation ctivity.

Puvblication standards are high, and publishing in English will help to bring the content of the jorunal to a wider audience.

However, this is only one of a very large number of mono-institutional university health journals worldwide, which are submitted to SCOPUS for evaluation.

As such, all suffer from the similar constraint of a narrow authorship, readership and editorial base, and they struggle to secure sufficient quality and specialisation of content to become competitive with their national, regional and international competitors.

This local focus on the institution rather than national or regional partnerships does not stimulate academic competitiveness or challenge institutional authors to publish in the best international journals in their fields.

The editors should therefore consider regional partnerships with other similar journals to create critical mass and wider impact.

The editors and publishers might also wish to explore a partnership with an established academic publishing house to secure the professional, presentational and distribution skills and infrastructure of such an organisation”.

Finally, we strongly advise you to read through our FAQs:
Helping to improve the Scopus submission & success process for editors and publishers: https://embed.widencdn.net/download/elsevier/olbvgdobzi/SC_FAQ-content-selection-process_Jan2019.pdf?u=simrzc
Role of an editor: https://www.elsevier.com/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/95117/SC_FAQ-Role-of-an-Editor-22092014.pdf

Yours sincerely,

Scopus Title Evaluation Support

Title: Journal of Al-Frahedis Arts
ISSN / E-ISSN: 2074-9554 / 2663-8118
Publisher: Tikrit University

Dear Prof. Aziz Abdulla,

The above mentioned title has been suggested for inclusion in Scopus. We have to inform you that the title will not be considered for evaluation, for the following reason(s):

  • Not all published articles have all of their references published in Roman script.  In order to resubmit the title to the Scopus title evaluation process, it is sufficient to implement a new policy of publishing all references in Roman script from now on (with any non-Roman references transliterated into Roman script; this may be alongside the original references in non-Roman script).  Before resubmitting, this should be the case for at least one published issue (the most recent one), of which the full text PDF should be available online and also emailed/ made accessible to the Scopus team for verification purposes.

Yours sincerely,



Title: Islamic Sciences Journal
ISSN / E-ISSN: 2073-1159 / 2663-8800
Publisher: Tikrit University

Dear Prof. Aziz Abdulla,

The above mentioned title has been suggested for inclusion in Scopus. :

  • The website of this title must make available a recognized publication ethics and malpractice statement in English (as it should be readable for an international audience). For further guidance, please visit this page

Please visit this direct link for guidelines on creating a publication ethics and malpractice statement and what it should adhere to: Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement requirements


Yours sincerely,

Scopus Title Evaluation Support