
TJES: Al-Aboodi  AH, Hashim ZN. Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Using Lulc Map and DRASTIC Technique in Bahr AL-Najaf Area, Middle of Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; 26(2): 1-9.

APA: Al-Aboodi, A. H. (2019). Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Using Lulc Map and DRASTIC Technique in Bahr AL-Najaf Area, Middle of Iraq. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26(3), 1-9.



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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2019) 26(3) 1-9

Assessment of Groundwater Vulnerability Using Lulc Map and DRASTIC Technique in Bahr AL-Najaf Area, Middle of Iraq

Ali H. Al-Aboodi, Zaid N. Hashim* 

Civil Eng. Dept., College of Engineering,  University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq

* Corresponding author: zaid.nori.hashim@gmail.com

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.26.3.01,


Groundwater is the greatest significant source of water in the Bahr Al-Najaf area. In this research the DRASTIC technique has been utilized, to produce a map of ground water vulnerability for the area. Because of the relation between LULC (Land Use and Land Cover) and groundwater pollution, the LULC map was applied with the standard DRASTIC technique to confirm accuracy of vulnerability for pollution. A LULC map is extracted from Enhanced Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite imagery utilizing several methods in GIS. The LULC map shows that three portions of LULC can be recognized (Agricultural land, Wet land and Barren land). The LULC map was weighted and rated then changed to LULC index map. That index map is a supplementary factor that was combined to the standard DRASTIC technique to modify DRASTIC vulnerability in study area. The final vulnerability was obtained by the DRASTIC technique that varies from (70 to 140). The LULC index map as a modified DRASTIC with ranging of (95-175). The modified LULC of DRASTIC technique has a higher correlation (Pearson’s factor) 0.87 per concentration of nitrate values and is suggested as the best suitable technique to be utilized for the area of study.


Bahr Al-Najaf






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