vol26no3pa4 Publications

TJES: Al-Doury MMI, Alwan MH. PHENOL REMOVAL FROM SYNTHETIC WASTEWATER USING BATCH ADSORPTION SCHEME. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; 26(3): 31- 36.

APA: Al-Doury MMI, Alwan MH (2019). PHENOL REMOVAL FROM SYNTHETIC WASTEWATER USING BATCH ADSORPTION SCHEME. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26 (3), 31- 36.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2019) vol(3) 31- 36.


Muzher M.I.Al-Doury *1 , Maadh H..Alwan 2

1 Dean of Petroleum Processes Engineering College, Tikrit University, Iraq

2 North RefineriesCompany, Baiji, Iraq

* Corresponding author: samuzhermahdi@tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.26.3.04


Phenol is one of the most dangerous pollutant of petroleum industry. Thus its removal is very essential. One of the most popular method used to remove phenol is through adsorption by activated carbon. In the present work, batch adsorption experiments are carried out under various operating parameters: pollutant concentration (CO) (10, 30, and 50mg/L), and activated carbon dose (CD) (250-1500mg/1.25L with an increment of 250). All experiments are performed at laboratory temperature (19ºC) and pH of 7 ± 0.1 while a full factorial mode is applied. Many adsorption models are used to fit experimental data and find out adsorption capacity (ADC) which is a widely used term.The results show that phenol can be completely removed and the adsorption capacity depends on the pollutant concentration (CO) and adsorbent dose (CD). The actual adsorption capacity (AADC) is calculated and found to be highly different from adsorption capacity.


Keywords: Phenol, Adsorption Capacity, Batch Adsorption

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