
TJES: Ibrahim AK, .Effect of the Horizontal Perforated Plates on the Turbidity Removal Efficiency in Water Treatment Plant of Tikrit University. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; vol(4): 38- 42.

APA: Ibrahim AK, . (2019). Effect of the Horizontal Perforated Plates on the Turbidity Removal Efficiency in Water Treatment Plant of Tikrit University. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26 (4), 38- 42.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2019) vol(4.) 38.- 42.

Effect of the Horizontal Perforated Plates on the Turbidity Removal Efficiency in Water Treatment Plant of Tikrit University

Ahmed K..Ibrahim *1

0 Environmental Eng. Dept., College of Eng., Tikit University.

* Corresponding author: ahmedkh71@tu.edu.iq  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.26.4.06


The study aims to show effect of adding the circular perforated plates in sedimentation basin in horizontal position on the efficiency of the sedimentation basin as was the use of perforated panels with circular holes and placed inside the sedimentation basin and took two levels of turbidity of the water 125 and 150 NTU respectively in the Tigris river during the preparation of the study with variable hydraulic load and the efficiency was calculated at each case of plates in the basin where the variables that were adopted is the number of perforated panels so that the ratio of the area of holes/total area of panel is 20% , and also variation in water turbidity levels and the hydraulic load. The result showed a significant decrease in the output turbidity levels from sedimentation tank with the use of perforated panels at the raw water turbidity 150 NTU and hydraulic load between 0.9 and 1.2 m3/m2.hr were 95% higher efficiency when three panels were put and hydraulic load 0,9 m3/m2.hr, while there was fluctuation with some of hydraulic load levels at turbidity level of 125 NTU and same number of panels.

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Keywords: Sedimentation basin Perforated pates Removal efficiency

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