
TJES: Razooqi RN, Akbar AA, Hamada ML .Influence of the Yttria and Graphite Particles on the same of Al 2024 Alloy Properties. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; 26(4): 1- 7.

APA: Razooqi, R. N. , Akbar,  A. A. , Hamada,  M. L. (2019). Influence of the Yttria and Graphite Particles on the same of Al 2024 Alloy Properties. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26 (4), 1- 7.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2019) 26(4) 1- 7.

Influence of the Yttria and Graphite Particles on the same of Al 2024 Alloy Properties

Raed N. Razooqi 1 Ahmed A. Akbar 2 Mohanad L..Hamada* 3

1 Mechanical Eng. Dept./ College of Eng./ Tikrit University

2 Dept. of Production Eng. And Metallurgy/ University of Technology

* Corresponding author: muhanad.lateef@yahoo.com  

DOI: http://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.26.4.01


Powders have been mixed as (Al with 99% purity ≤53µm particle size, Cu with 99.5% purity ≤53µm particle size, Mg with 99.5% purity ≤53µm particle size, Y2O3 with 99.9% purity ≤53µm particle size, Gr with 99.9% purity ≤53µm particle size). one set of composite samples was prepared by addition (3wt%Gr) to metal powders shown above. For the each sample of composite varying (Y2O3) weight percentage as: (Al 2024-3wt%Gr-XY2O3) was added x=(0,2,4,6,8)(wt%) the other set of composite was in opposite. Well mixed samples was pressed uniaxial with (700Mpa) and (30sec). the compacted samples were sintered at (6000C) for (2hr). Results have shown an increase in bulk density by (5.3%) for (Al 2024-3wt% Gr-XY2O3) with the increase of reinforcement until (8wt%) of (Y2O3), while bulk density have been reduced for (Al 2024-3wt%Y2O3-XGr) with (5%) with the increase of (Gr) weight content in the composite. An increase in real porosity was noticed with the increase of (Y2O3) with (8wt%) (11.9%) for (Al 2024-3wt%Gr-XY2O3) but this was less in comparison with (Al 2024-3wt%Y2O3-XGr) were porosity increase with the increase of (Grwt%) up to reduced (18.5%) at (8wt%Gr).Mean value was of micro hardness decreased gradually with the increase of (Grwt%) to reach (19.4%) reduction at (8wt%Gr) in opposite the micro hardness mean value increased by (20%) as (Y2O3wt%) increased to (8wt%).Compression strength have was increased by (51%) as (Y2O3) content increased from (2-8)(wt%) for (Al 2024-3wt%Gr-XY2O3) composite, while it was decreased by (48%) with the addition of (8wt%) graphite to (Al 2024-3wt%Y2O3-XGr).The content of (Gr) had higher effect on wear rate than (Y2O3) where the wear rate decreased by (59.7%) and (41%) for composite samples respectively, within the limits of addition in the current study.

Keywords: Yettery, Graphite, 2024 Aluminum alloy

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