
TJES: Saadon AS, Abbas AM, Khalaf AA, .The Attitude of Load Deflection for Concrete Beams with Polymer Reinforcement. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; vol(4): 32- 37.

APA: Saadon AS, Abbas AM, Khalaf AA, . (2019). The Attitude of Load Deflection for Concrete Beams with Polymer Reinforcement. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 26 (4), 32- 37.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2019) vol(4.) 32.- 37.

The Attitude of Load Deflection for Concrete Beams with Polymer Reinforcement

Ahmed S..Saadon *1 Abdulnasser M..Abbas 2 Ali A..Khalaf 3

0 Civil Engineering Department, Engineering College, Basrah University, Basrah, Iraq

* Corresponding author: ahmsag@gmail.com  

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25130/tjes.26.4.05


In this research, the load-deflection behavior is explored for concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars (polymer reinforcement). An experimental test is done for a total of five beams subjected to 4-point loading. The tested specimens are of dimensions; 2100 mm (length), 200 mm (width) and 300 mm (depth), while the used compressive strength for concrete is f’c = 60 MPa. Four beams were longitudinally reinforced by various CFRP rebar numbers, and the last beam was reinforced only by steel bars as control beam. Relationships for load-deflection were drawn and the influence of several factors was debated on this relationship. It was exhibited that the failure of FRP reinforced samples was generally ruled by the concrete strength. When the ratio of reinforcement rising by 50%, 100% and 150%, the ultimate load increased by 15%, 29% and 38%, respectively, while the recorded deflection at ultimate load decreased by 7%, 16% and 24%, respectively. For the ultimate load of the studied beams, outcomes exhibited that the equations of the American code ACI 440.1R give very close values with the test values, while they give very conservative values to the deflection at ultimate load which are smaller than the test values by about (37%-45%)

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Keywords: Load-Deflection Polymer Reinforcement Concrete Beams Reinforcement Ratio Point Loading

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