vol27no1pa1: A Review on Numerical Analysis of RC Flat Slabs Exposed to Fire

TJES: Naji HF, Khalid NN, Medhlom MK, .A Review on Numerical Analysis of RC Flat Slabs Exposed to Fire. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2020; 27(1): 1- 5.

APA: Naji, H. F., Khalid, N. N., Medhlom, M.K. (2020). A Review on Numerical Analysis of RC Flat Slabs Exposed to Fire. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 27 (1), 1- 5.


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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2020) 27(1) 1- 5.

A Review on Numerical Analysis of RC Flat Slabs Exposed to Fire

Hanadi F. Naji *, Nibras N. Khalid,  Mutaz K. Medhlom

Civil Engineering Dept., College of Engineering, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad.

* Corresponding author: hanadiifa@yahoo.com  

DOI: https://doi.org/10.25130/tjes.27.1.01


This paper aims at presenting and discussing the numerical studies performed to estimate the mechanical and thermal behavior of RC flat slabs at elevated temperature and fire. The numerical analysis is carried out using finite element programs by developing models to simulate the performance of the buildings subjected to fire. The mechanical and thermal properties of the materials obtained from the experimental work are involved in the modeling that the outcomes will be more realistic. Many parameters related to fire resistance of the flat slabs have been studied and the finite element analysis results reveal that the width and thickness of the slab, the temperature gradient, the fire direction, the exposure duration and the thermal restraint are important factors that influence the vertical deflection, bending moment and force membrane of the flat slabs exposed to fire. However, the validation of the models is verified by comparing their results to the available experimental date. The finite element modeling contributes in saving cost and time consumed by experiments.

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Keywords: Finite element model, Fire resistance, Flat slab

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