Submit Final version of Manuscript to publishing in TJES

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اهلا بكم في صفحة تقديم البحث بصيغته النهائية للنشر في مجلة تكريت للعلوم/ الهندسية

تاكد من صحة الاسم و تسلسل الباحثين (الاول ، الثاني ، …..) وانتماءاتهم وايميلاتهم حيث سنعتمد على هذه المعلومات في نشر البحث بصيغته النهائية

Ensure that the authors’ name spelling, sequence (first, second, … ..), and their affiliations and e-mails address  in the manuscript are correct; this information will be dependent on publishing in its final TJES form.

Please be sure you complete every commet of reviewer, editor, langauge editor, and publishing comments

Before Start: Please  Click here to download TJES Template  

Please read Author Guidelines or read the following quick guidelines

Please Read Double-Blind Peer Review Guidelines

Important points:

-The manuscript one column

-The manuscript includes

  • Tittle in English & Arabic language.
  • Abstract in English & Arabic language.
  • Keywords in the English language.
  • Address for all authors.
  • Email for the corresponding author.
  • All references in Roman script (should be in the English language).


  • The manuscript should be 1.5 spaced using A4 paper.
  • The all margin (top, bottom, left and right) shall be 25 mm.
  • Use a normal, plain font (e.g., Times Roman), 12 points for the text.
  • For textual emphasis use italic types all that must be in one column.
  • Use the table functions of your word processing program, not spreadsheets, to make tables. Tables are referred to in the text by “Table n” (capital T).
  • Place any figure legends or tables at the mentioned in the text.
  • Using the Blue color for the and, Table, Eq. (1), and Ref [no.].
  • Submit all figures in their original formats and as separate files and kept separate from the text.
  • Figures are referred to in the text by “ n.” (capital F).
  • Indicate the preferred location of each table and figure in the body of the manuscript.
  • Using the figure in the text (In line with text).
  • For Table, Using the same issue (Right click)
  • The equation should be flushed to the centered of the column. For example:
  • Spacing before and after Equation 6 pt.

Submit final version of Manuscript to publishing in TJES

Submit final version of Manuscript to publishing in TJES

  • Author Information and Manuscript Uploading
Corresponding Author Information
Upload Manuscript
Upload Manuscript (DOC or DOCX)

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Upload Response to reviewers or editor if any (DOC or DOCX)

Max. size: 512.0 MB