TJES Letters TJES Letters TJES Letters TJES Letters TJES Letters Manuscript Code: Manuscript Title: Select letter Review Article : Thank you for accepting the Manuscript evaluation (TJES01A2021) In the attached file you can find the full Manuscript Before start, you may want to read Reviewer Guidelines Please use the link below to evaluate the Manuscript You can also, send us your notes using the (Track change or comments options in MS word) and resend the file. Or print the Manuscript and put your handly comments and resend these as clear images. We would like to request you to complete your review within 15 Days. TJES Editor First Screen: Dear Editorial Board Member of TJES I am writing to request if you make the initial evaluation (within 3 working days) of Manuscript attached herein You can use the following link for your evaluation It is highly recommended to insert at least three Manuscripts from TJES published 2019 and over. Final Screen: Dear Editoral Board Please do final screen within three day please find attached files (reviewer comments, author reply, similarity report, and modified manuscript ) Title: ----.Ms. Code: ----Dear Author Modify Your Manuscript According to the Reviewer Comments: Dear Authors, Please read reviewers' comments carefully, and then provide us with: 1- A modified version of your Manuscript according to (Reviewers\' comments, and Editorial board comments). 2- You must send a response to reviewers and the editorial board comments in a separate file (as in the example attached). The comments should be inserted in the first column and your response in the second column. You should insert all comments of the reviewers cited in Reviewer Comments Schedule and on the copy of the Manuscript (if any), and the editorial board comments. If you have done the comment then inserts, (done) or you can discuss this comment. Do not leave any comment, this will lead us to return the Manuscript to you and ask you to add it and will waste time in expediting the evaluation process 3- Kindly resend the Manuscript via Please select First Reviewers Revisions اجراء تعديلات المقومين للمرة الاولى4-Please also, modify your manuscript according to the TJES template, and author guideline which can be found in the (new submission link) then download the TJES templateTJES Editor Check the Manuscript Modification as Per Your Comments: Based on your request, the researchers have conducted the required modifications according to your notes. Firstly, Please check the corrections of the researchers about your comments listed in TJES Response to the reviewers by author Table. Then check that all these responses are listed in the modified Manuscript. Finally, use the following link ( to inform us of your decision about the Manuscript. We thank you for your cooperation and we hope to receive your reply within Three days. TJES Editor Manuscript Title COST-EFFECTIVE AUTOMATIC HAND WASHING SYSTEM Manuscript specialization in general Electrical Engineering Ms. Code: TJES25A2021 Please remember to quote Manuscript number in any communication with us. Please note that there may be several rounds of corrections before the final publication in the TJES and your cooperation would be highly appreciated. You should pay an amount of 100000 ID (one hundred thousand Iraqi dinars) Please contact Mr. Thiab, cell phone 07703754841 for how you can pay Your Manuscript will forward to the first screen editor after received the payments Please after complete payment resubmit the article according to TJES template as attached رجاء ا بعد اكمال الدفع اعد تقديم البحث وفق قالب المجلة المرفق مع مراعاة ترقيم الاسطر رجاءا استخدم رقم البحث الاعلاه في جميع المراسلات رجاءا ثبت رقم البحث في وصل الاستلام بالاضافة الى اسم البحث رجاءا اتصل بالحاج ذياب 07703754841 لتحويل مبلغ مئة الف دينار عراقي ثم ارسل لنا وصل الاستلام Don’t hesitate to contact us for any information you need قبل ارفاق اي ملف يرجى التاكد من حذف اسماء الباحثينن والمقيمين او اي شي ممكن ان يدل على اسمائهم Choose a file Max. size: 512.0 MB قبل ارفاق اي ملف يرجى التاكد من حذف اسماء الباحثينن والمقيمين او اي شي ممكن ان يدل على اسمائهم Choose a file Max. size: 512.0 MB قبل ارفاق اي ملف يرجى التاكد من حذف اسماء الباحثينن والمقيمين او اي شي ممكن ان يدل على اسمائهم Choose a file Max. size: 512.0 MB قبل ارفاق اي ملف يرجى التاكد من حذف اسماء الباحثينن والمقيمين او اي شي ممكن ان يدل على اسمائهم Choose a file Max. size: 512.0 MB قبل ارفاق اي ملف يرجى التاكد من حذف اسماء الباحثينن والمقيمين او اي شي ممكن ان يدل على اسمائهم Choose a file Max. size: 512.0 MB SHOW SUMMARY Some required Fields are emptyPlease check the highlighted fields. Submit