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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2005) 12(3) 1- 21

Stresses in Concrete Pavement Slabs on Reissner’s Foundation Subjected to Floating Tandem Axles

Sabah Saeed Razuoki Sakvan Omer Mohee
Civil Eng. Dept., Al-Nahrain University, Iraq Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


Presented in this paper are stress and load factor charts for floating tandem axles acting on the interior of concrete pavement slabs resting on Reissner’s foundation. The floating tandem axle consists of dueled single axle followed by a single tired single axle or vice versa. The geometrical characteristics of the floating tandem axle were obtained from an axle load survey in Iraq. Based on the survey results, the floating tandem axle load frequency distribution histogram together with that for tire pressures were obtained. Circular tire-pavement contact areas between the tires of the floating tandem axle and the concrete pavement slab were assumed. The chart for the bending moment in concrete pavement slabs on Reissner’s foundation developed by Reddy and Pranesh[1] was used to determine the maximum bending moment due to interior loading by a floating tandem axle. The stress and load factor charts were developed for various slab thicknesses of 6, 8, 10, and 12 in. (15.24, 20.32, 25.40, and 30.48 cm). Using the developed stress charts, the maximum bending stress in the concrete pavement slab can be obtained directly for given floating tandem axle load and slab thickness.

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Keywords: Concrete Pavement, Floating Tandem Axles, Load, Factor Charts; Reissner’s Foundation; Stress Charts.

How to cite

TJES: Razuoki SS, Mohee, SO. Stresses in Concrete Pavement Slabs on Reissner’s Foundation Subjected to Floating Tandem Axles. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2005; 12(3): 1-21.
APA: Razuoki, S. S., & Mohee, S.O. (2005). Stresses in Concrete Pavement Slabs on Reissner’s Foundation Subjected to Floating Tandem Axles. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(3), 1-21.
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