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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2005) 12(3) 53-76

Age-Adjusted Effective Modulus Model to Evaluate Long Term Effects in Steel Concrete Composite Beams

Mazin Burhan Jawdat Kadhem Aziz Ibrahim
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


This paper considers the time-varying behavior of composite steel-concrete beams with rigid or flexible connections under service loads. The age-adjusted effective modulus approach is used with evaluating the aging coefficient “χ” in absence of connection and characterized by a theoretical point of view. For a simplified expression to evaluate “χ” and for an easy method to implement, a closed-form solution in the hypothesis of rigid connections and uncracked concrete is proposed. The method is verified by comparing with the results of another finite element model.

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Keywords: Age-Adjusted Modulus, Composite Beams, Creep, Shrinkage, Shear Connector.

How to cite

TJES: Burhan M, Kadhem J, Ibrahim A. Age-Adjusted Effective Modulus Model to Evaluate Long Term Effects in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2005; 12(3): 53-76.
APA: Burhan, K. K., Kadhem, J., & Ibrahim, A. (2005). Age-Adjusted Effective Modulus Model to Evaluate Long Term Effects in Steel-Concrete Composite Beams. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(3), 53-76.
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