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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2005) 12(4) 52-73
Design Interfacing circuit of measuring electric properties
Aliaa S. Al- Jubair | Kerima M. Ziadan | Salma A. Mahmood | |
Computer Dept., Basrah University, Iraq | Physics Dept., Basrah University, Iraq | Computer Dept., Basrah University, Iraq |
The present paper describe the design of an interface for measuring electric conductivity of different materials. It is designed and built an interface circuit consists of three analogue / Digital converters and its accessories to engage it with Microcomputer through the card of parallel port of printer. The main aim of building this circuit is to measure the electrical properties such as voltage, current, and then electric conductivity. The operating programs for this circuit runs under MSDOS environment for the sake of controlling its operation and calculating the required results later.
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Keywords: Interface, Electrical Conductivity, Digital Converters.
How to cite
APA: Al- Jubair, A. S., Ziadan, K.M., & Mahmood, S. A. (2005). Design Interfacing circuit of measuring electric properties. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(4), 52-73.