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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2005) 12(4) 124-142

Electrolytic Production of Potassium bromate Using Graphite Substrate Lead dioxide (GSLD) Anode 

Ahmed Daham Wiheeb
Chemical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


Graphite substrate lead dioxide (GSLD) was used to make a suitable anode for the production of potassium bromate from potassium bromide. This anode has been used successfully in the presence of certain addition agents (like potassium dichromate) as a replacement for graphite anode. A laboratory electrolytic cell was designed to produce of potassium bromate. A solution of potassium bromide (240 g/l) and potassium bromate (20 g/l) is electrolyzed in batch wise. The effect of anodic current density, temperature, and starting PH of electrolyte on the current efficiency of bromate formation was studied. High current efficiency of about 92 – 94 % was obtained by using (GSLD).

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KeywordsPotassium Bromate, Lead Dioxide Anode, Potassium Bromide Oxidation , Electrolytic Cell.

How to cite

TJES: Wiheeb AD . Electrolytic Production of Potassium bromate Using Graphite Substrate Lead dioxide (GSLD) Anode. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2005; 12(4): 124-142.

APA: Wiheeb, A. D. (2005). Electrolytic Production of Potassium bromate Using Graphite Substrate Lead dioxide (GSLD) Anode. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(4), 124-142.

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