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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2005) 12(4) 45-66

The effect of some heat treatments on the properties of medium carbon steel

Jawdat Ali Yaqub Ihsan Fadhel Abas Najat Najmaldeen Hamed
Technical College, Kirkuk. Iraq Technical Institute, Haweja, Iraq Technical College, Kirkuk, Iraq


The present study is aimed to compare between the effect of the modified isothermal annealing with conventional full annealing and normalizing on the properties of medium carbon steel by full annealing and normalizing tensile test and otherdisclike shape specimens by heating them at (860Ċ) for (15min); followed by slowly cooling inside furnace for the former treatment and by air cooling for the later to room temperature. The modified isothermal annealing was conducted by heating eight group of specimen (each groups includes a tensile and adisclike shape specimen ) respectively at (860Ċ) for (15min) ,then slowly cooled inside furnace to different temperatures(760,700,600,560,460,380,340,and 260) Ċ then each group issoaked at one of those temperatures for an (1hr), then air cooled to room temperature .Larger (σT) which exceed (800 Mpa) and(VHN) values of the treated specimens at (760Ċ) were obtainedwhen compared with those obtained by normalizing. While an increase was took place in value of the treated specimens ∈%at (260Ċ) over its value when full annealed , hence the formability was improved by treating at. (260Ċ) isothermallywith a reduction in consumed electric energy because of the shorter thermal cycle. Also the toughness was considered by evaluating the restricted areas under stress – strain curves. Finally the resulted variations in microstructures were observed by optical microscope.

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KeywordsHeat Treatments, Medium Carbon Steel.

How to cite

TJES: Yaqub JA,  Abas IF, Hamed NN. The effect of some heat treatments on the properties of medium carbon steel. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2005; 12(4): 45-66.

APA: Yaqub, J. A., Abas, I.F., & Hamed, N. N. (2005). The effect of some heat treatments on the properties of medium carbon steel. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 12(4), 45-66.

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