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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(1) 1- 18
Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Ribbed Strip Footing Under Vertical and Inclined Loads
Jawdat K. Abass |
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
This paper investigates the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing stiffened with ribs connected to its lower surface.The effect of number and depth of ribs on the bearing capacity are investigated numerically using the finite element method. Different footings resting on a clayey soil are analyzed under vertical and inclined loadings. A new efficiency factors (ER) is proposed to be added to the general bearing capacity equation in order to take the effect of ribs into consideration. The results indicate that, tire ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing is improved via the addition of ribs.
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Keywords: Bearing Capacity, Finite Element, Ribs, Strip Footing.