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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(1) 19-34
The Feasibility of Solar Energy in Kirkuk City Through Using PV Module
Sami R. A. Al-Bayati |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The total solar energy intensity on the horizontal surface measured for the Kirkuk city. This is obtained by rneasuring theshort circuit current induced from standard PV module consistir-rgof 36 PV cell connected in series. The measurement performed ateach hour of daylight for a period of one year. The measured data compared with data obtained theoretically from tire empirical formulas, which indicates that the theoretical prediction of the solar energy intensity is 31% larger than the measured values. The result indicates that the Kirkuk city receives a large quantity of solar energy, because the percent of the sunshine hour to the cloud covered hour is found to be 89%. comparative cost analysis of the electricity from the PV solar cell and diesel system shows that the electricity from PV solar system at Kirkuk city is cheaper than that obtained from diesel system of about 40.6% when 15 year working period is considered.
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Keywords: Solar Energy, Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Cell.