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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(2) 1-14

Study of Possibility of Using The Reed as Thermal Insulation

Sami R. Aslan Farouk M. Mahdi Ahmed H. Ahmed
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq Fuel and Energy Dept., Technical College, Kirkuk, Iraq


The present work aimed to study the thermal insulation of the reed so as to be used as a natural thermal insulation due to its availability, mechanical properties and the high porosity of voids. Samples of different thicknesses have been prepared from different diameters of reed. For binding of reed layers white glue and metal wires are used. The thermal conductivity for the specimen is measured by home made box type device in the temperature range 40-90Co and for the different thicknesses. A theoretical model was prepared by using finite element ANSYS program to calculate the thermal conductivity. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental values for thermal conductivity indicates 90% agreement between them. The results showed that the behavior of the thermal conductivity of the reed is similar to the other insulators and its values is in the range 0.039-0.094 W/m Co . By comparing these values with the well known insulator, Stirobore, whose thermal conductivity is in the range 0.0336-0.0433 W/m Co. It could be said that the reed is acceptable as thermal insulation material.

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How to cite

TJES: Aslan SR, Mahdi FM, Ahmed AH. Study of Possibility of Using The Reed as Thermal InsulationTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2006; 13(2): 1-14.
APA: Aslan, S. R., Mahdi, F. M., & Ahmed, A. H. (2006). Study of Possibility of Using The Reed as Thermal Insulation. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13(2), 1-14.
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