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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(2) 30-52
Effect of Materials That Component The Concrete Mixtures Used in Salah Al-Dain Projects on The Compressive Strength
Jawdat Kadhim Abbas | Yassen Ali Salh |
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
In this research, (192) concrete cubes were taken from different concrete mixtures incorporating coarse and fine aggregate from four different sources in Salah Al-Dain area with two types of cement; Iraqi cement & Turkish cement. The compressive strength of these cubes was examined to know the most suitable materials to product good concrete for use in the projects of Salah Al-Dain area. The results indicate that, the aggregate brings from Al-Tuz source gives compressive strength higher than the aggregate brings from other sources. The Turkish cement gives compressive strength higher that that gives by Iraqi cement.
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Keywords: Cement, Compressive Strength , Concrete Mixture.