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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(2) 53-71
Study The Effect of Industrial Waste (Industrial Water) on The Engineering Properties of Expansive Clayey Soil
Mohammed T. H. Al-layla | Ibrahim M. Ahmed Al-kiki |
Civil Eng. Dept., Mosul University, Iraq |
This Research deals with the effect of industrial waste on the engineering properties of clayey soil .The investigated soil was obtained from (1.0) meter depth Al- Yarmook district in Mosul City. The soil can be described as light brown stiff clay, in organic clay with high plasticity (CH), and it contains (38%) clay size particles (≤ 0.002 mm). The soil was treated with four types of industrial waters, taken from several factories located in Mosul city and from fertilizers factory in Baiji region. The Results, show that the industrial waters caused a little reduction in the liquid limit and Increased the plasticity index, except the fertilizers factors Industrial waters where plasticity index of the soil decrease with increasing the addition of this type of industrial waters. As far as the effect of industrial waters on the compaction characteristics, the result showed that the maximum dry density of the soil increased with the addition of industrial waters and the optimum moisture content decreased. The industrial waters increased the unconfined compressive strength and the shear strength parameters (angle of internal friction (φ’ ) and cohesion (c’)) , except the industrial waters from sugar and yeast factories decreased the angle of internal friction . The study, showed that the swelling percentage and swelling pressure increased with increasing the concentration of industrial waters, except the industrial waters of the fertilizers factory, where the swelling characteristics decreased.The results of consolidation test showed that the compression Index (cc) and coefficient of consolidation (cv) increased when the soil was treated with industrial waters. The results of chemical tests showed that the values of cat ion exchange capacity and organic matter content increased while the (pH- value) decreased for treated soil, except the Industrial waters of fertilizers factory, which caused an increase in the (pH- value) .
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Keywords: Industrial Waste, Clayey Soil Properties.