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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(3) 54-77

A Modified Correlation to Evaluate Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient in an Impinging-Jet Tall Bubble Column

Mohammed F. Abid
 Chemical Eng. Dept., University of Technology, Iraq


An impinging-jet bubble column has been installed in Al- Mansoor Co.-Baghdad for measurements of the ozone mass transfer applications in water treatment Two injectors were used to produce turbulent gas-liquid jets in the working fluid by placing them at an intersecting angle of 1200 . The impact of the two jets increased the gas-liquid mass transfer rates. Experiments are conducted at different ranges of Reynolds number for gas and liquid such that 12.8<ReG< 78 and 804.24<ReL<2928. A correlation to predict volumetric liquid mass transfer coefficient is developed based on CSTRM applied on each section of the tall bubble column. Using the minimization technique, the following correlation was obtained: kLa=21.09uG1.14uL0.078.

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KeywordsMass Transfer, Impinging-Jet Bubble Column, Water Treatment.

How to cite

TJES: Abid MF. A Modified Correlation to Evaluate Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient in an Impinging-Jet Tall Bubble ColumnTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2006; 13(3): 54-77.
APA: Abid, M. F. (2006). A Modified Correlation to Evaluate Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient in an Impinging-Jet Tall Bubble Column. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13(3), 54-77.
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