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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(3) 78-102
Effect of Boundary Conditions on Impact Stresses of Beams
Eyad K. S. Al-Hachamee |
Building and Construction Eng. Dept., University of Technology, Iraq |
A theoretical analysis based on the numerical solution of the beam impact integral equation is carried out to determine the impact force and deflection time histories, the strain energy absorbed by the beams and the maximum bending moment. Effect of beam boundary conditions on impact response of beam is also discussed. The theoretical results obtained in the present analysis are compared with experimental and theoretical works previously done. A good agreement is found between theoretical and experimental results. This indicates that the impact resistance of relatively large beams may be predicted by using the theoretical approach based on equation of undamped beam vibration. All the derivations required to predict the effect of boundary conditions are performed for both forced and free vibrations. For the same falling mass and the same applied kinetic energy (height of drop) for all cases, the maximum central deflection and the maximum impact force are affected by the boundary conditions of the beams
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Keywords: Beam, Boundary Conditions, Deflection – Time Histories, Force– Time Histories, Free and Forced Vibration, Impact, Striker.