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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(3) 121-142
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
K. S. Mahmood | A. A. Abdul-Razzak | M. K. Kasim |
Civil Eng. Dept., Baghdad University, Iraq | Civil Eng. Dept., Mosul University, Iraq | Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
In this study the nonlinear transient dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete slabs using the finite element method is presented. Eight-node Serendipity degenerated elements have been employed. This element is based on isoparametric principles with modifications, which relax excessive constraints. The modifications include reduced order integration to overcome the shear locking. A layered approach is adopted to discretize the concrete through the thickness. Both an elastic-perfectly plastic and strain hardening plasticity approaches have been employed to model the compressive behavior of the concrete. A tensile strength criterion is used to initiation of crack and a smeared fixed crack approach is used to model the behavior of the cracked concrete. Tension stiffening in concrete is assumed such that the concrete can take some tension after cracking. Implicit Newmark with corrector-predictor algorithm is employed for time integration of the equation of motion. Several examples are analyzed using the proposed model. The numerical results showed good agreement with other sources.
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Keywords: Dynamics, Finite Elements, Nonlinear Analysis, Reduced Integration, Reinforced Concrete Slabs.