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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(3) 21-41
Study The Effect of Glass Layers on Thermal Performance of Trombe Wall
Ihsan Fadel Abbas |
Technical Institute, Haweja, Iraq |
The energy of solar intensity is very important in our life, not only for industrial and human needs, but also for living beings on earth. One of the advantages of solar intensity is using it in heating and cooling field in a number of activities among them the passive use. Thus can be done by using storage wall called (Trombe Wall). The effective of glass layers have been studies they are used to cover trombe wall from outside to measure its performance, selecting four conditions(i.e) (non-covering, single, double, and treble layers of glasses). The study shows that trombe wall in second condition with dimension (4x3x.29) m3 gives the best result in heating a room with dimension (4x4x3) m3. Under an environment condition of Baghdad city in Jan., 1994 in comparison with the other conditions. The average room temperature was approximately 26.75oC, it is among within included in average temperature allowable range (23- 27) oC. But the systems of heating in the third and fourth conditions have heat capacity higher than the demand; they can be adjusted to be suitable for their room if reducing the thickness of the wall until gives an among within included an average temperature allowable range .
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Keywords: Passive Solar Heating Use in Building