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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(3) 42-61
Improvement of Expansive Clayey Soil With Lime Waste
Ibrahim M. Al-kiki |
Civil Eng. Dept., Mosul University, Iraq |
This research aims the study of utilizing the industrial wastes (solid wastes /lime) for the improvement and stabilization of engineering properties of expansive clayey soil. The soil under study is taken from the location of Al-Nahrawan district-Mosul- city and is described as an appropriate for foundation layer or layers under foundations of roads and facilities because its weakness and its high swelling. It was classified as type (CH) according to The Unified Classification System, the percentage of fine particles was (91%) . This type of soil was treated by using four percentages of industrial wastes of soil weight (2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%), the wastes were obtained from the factory of sugar and ferment in Mosul . The study shows that increase of wastes in the soil decreases the plasticity index of soil (PI) and the soil became Non –Plastic (N.P) at (6%) of wastes. It was shown that the different concentrations of industrial weight in the soil lower the rate of ion exchange and the percentage of upheaval in the soil which was stabilized at 6%. Besides, it was shown that the industrial wastes increase the alkalinity of soil to its maximum. The results of the compaction tests showed that treating soil with industrial wastes led to the increase in the optimum moister content and decrease in the maximum dry density, as far as the lime waste increase the unconfined compressive strength and the shear strength parameters (angle of internal friction (ǿ) and cohesion (ć)). Accordingly, the industrial wastes (lime wastes) may be considered advantageous in effect to the engineering characteristics of finer soil and these wastes can be utilized in groundwork for roads especially for cheap and temporary ways, and it can be used in refilling ground works for buildings .
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