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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(4) 35-54

Assessment of Settlement of Shallow Foundations Erected Near Slopes of Sandy Soil

Adnan Jayed Zedan
Civil Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq


In this study, the behaviour of shallow foundations near slopes is studied using nonlinear elastic finite element analysis. Forty-four cases of strip footings resting on cohesionless soils that were studied by Sud (1984)[1] through model tests, have been analyzed. Pressure-settlement relations has been compared with experimental results of (Sud, 1984) [1], and a good agreement between the two has been observed. Ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations near slopes was evaluated using the intersection of two tangents of pressure-settlement curve. The values of ultimate bearing capacity agree well also with (Sud, 1984) [1]. A non-dimensional correlation has been developed between the settlement of footing erected near slope (Sβ) and the settlement of footing resting on level ground (So). The relationship (Sβ/So versus De/B) can be expressed by a unique relation for different slope angles (β). This relation has been found to be dependent on distance of the edge of the footing from slope shoulder; De, and angle of slope; β, while it is independent of the relative density of sand; DR, and the factor of safety. By knowing the settlement of a footing resting on a level ground, the settlement of a footing erected near slope can be evaluated using this correlation.

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Keywords:Finite Element, Nonlinear, Shallow Foundation, Slope, Pressure-Settlement, Bearing Capacity, Relative Density, Sandy Soil.

How to cite

TJES: Zedan AJ. Assessment of Settlement of Shallow Foundations Erected Near Slopes of Sandy SoilTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2006; 13(4): 35-54.
APA: Zedan, A. J. (2006). Assessment of Settlement of Shallow Foundations Erected Near Slopes of Sandy Soil. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13(4), 35-54.
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