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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(4) 55-72
Elastic-Plastic Non-Linear Behavior of Suddenly Loaded Plane Steel Frames by ASI Technique
Eyad K. S. Al-Hachamee | Assal T. Hussein |
Building and Construction Eng. Dept., University of Technology, Iraq | Ministry of Construction and Housing, Iraq |
A non-linear finite element method for elastic – plastic analysis of steel plane frames under sudden loading is investigated. Geometric nonlinearity is considered using the Adaptively Shifted Integration (ASI) technique for the linear Timoshenko beam element.In (ASI) technique, the numerical integration point in an elastically deformed element is placed at the optimal point for linear analysis (midpoint in the linear Timoshenko beam), while the integration point is shifted immediately after the occurrence of a fully-plastic section in the element, using the previously established relation between the location of numerical integration point and that of plastic hinge, to form a plastic hinge exactly at the position of that section. Thus the technique produces higher computational accuracy with fewer elements than the conventional finite element code. As a result, the ASI technique gives a more precise solution with fewer elements than the conventional finite element method. The computer program used in this search employs the one –dimensional element with two nodes for steel structures. The major task of the present work is the development of a computer program which incorporates the above method of analysis, and the accuracy of the analytical results is assessed with respect to the available experimental and analytical data.
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Keywords: Elastic – Plastic Analysis, Geometrical Nonlinearity, Steel Frame, Sudden Load.