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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(4) 24-52
Optimum thermal Design of Segmental Baffles Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger by Using Computer Program
Nassir D. Mukhlif |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
It is planned for this research to build a simulation computer program aimed to optimum design of shell and tube heat exchanger according to thermal operation conditions. The optimum thermal design requires entering a preliminary dimensions for heat exchanger configuration, and it is controlled by the program to fit the design condition for hydraulic flow. The program includes testing different types of shell and tube heat exchanger to enable the designer from choosing suitable replacement for thermal operation conditions, It also show the effects of the operational conditions such as velocity and pressure drop on the heat transfer process and hydraulic flow for these types of heat exchangers to forfeit the design range of these conditions. The concluded results of the program for the heat exchangers dimensions with the standard specifications of the tubular exchanger manufacturers association (TEMA) showed a good agreement with percentage error not exceeding (4%).
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Keywords: Thermal Design, Heat Exchanger, Shell and Tube.