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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2006) 13(4) 53-77

Comparison of Nitrogen and Phosphate Compounds Removal Efficiency Between Batch and Sequencing Batch System

Zena Fakhri Ismaeel Al-Hashimi
Environmental and Pollution Control Research Center, Mosul University, Iraq


Phosphate and nitrogen compounds considered as an important pollutions that due to feed lakes and slow motion river with algae . hospital effluents considered as a sample for study because it have high rate of nutrients, the paper used two reactor ,the first working under batch system ,the second working under sequencing batch system during circle time of 24 hr for the both reactor.The study made comparison between two reactor on the removal efficiency of phosphate and nitrogen compounds. The results have shown that phosphate removal in sequencing batch reactor(SBR) more than its removal in batch reactor .The heights value of removal achieved after 12hr of reaction in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) .The removal efficiency was between (40-82)% and its between (20- 62)% in batch reactor .Ammonia removal increased as organic load decreased and the removal efficiency increased in sequencing batch system . The heights value of removal achieved after 16 hr of reaction and its approximately substantiate. The removal efficiency of ammonia in (SBR) was between (96-98)%and its between (90- 95)% in batch reactor. The nitrate removal happened only at sedimentation time at the end of reaction in batch reactor but in (SBR) Anoxic condition assisted on the removal of nitrate and its due to rise the pH value of effluents.

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Keywords: Biological Removal of Phosphate and Nitrogen ,Biological Removal of Nutrient in Batch and Sequencing Batch System.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Hashimi ZFI. Comparison of Nitrogen and Phosphate Compounds Removal Efficiency Between Batch and Sequencing Batch SystemTikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2006; 13(4): 53-77.
APA: Al-Hashimi, Z. F. I. (2006). Comparison of Nitrogen and Phosphate Compounds Removal Efficiency Between Batch and Sequencing Batch System. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 13(4), 53-77.
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