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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(1) 1-17
The Use of Lime as A Coagulant or A Coagulant Aid With Alum in Turbidity Removal
Mohammed S. Hasan | Mus’ab A. Al-Tamir |
Civil Eng. Dept., Mosul University, Iraq |
This study revealed the efficiency of using lime as a coagulant and coagulant aid with alum in turbidity removal when it used with medium and high initial turbidity levels (100, 500) ntu with dosage of (10, 40) mg/l respectively with alum dosage of 20 mg/l, It not recommended to use lime with low turbidity limits of (25) ntu and lower. Also the used of lime with alum improved the settling time especially in high limits of turbidity. A mathematical relationship was developed variables including in the study to determine the residual turbidity by using stepwise regression analysis.
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Keywords: Alum, Aluminum sulfate, Lime, Coagulation and flocculation, coagulant aids, Turbidity Removal, Water Supply.