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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(2) 49-72
Impact of Concave and Convex Solid Surfaces By Liquid-Like Projectiles
Riyadh N. Kiter | Sabah A. L. Salem |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., University of Anbar, Iraq |
A theoretical and experimental investigation of the normal impact of a flat-ended liquid slug onto ductile cylindrical solid targets is presented. The liquid slug is simulated by wax which is known to behave as a liquid in high speed impact situations. Both concave and convex types of the cylindrical target were used. The pattern of damage of the impacted Aluminum targets reveals compressed and ripple-damaged surfaces. While the convex target can be treated well by the modified model put by Kiter & Salem[5], the same cannot be said to the concave target.
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Keywords: Impact, concave, convex, wax, projectile.