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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(2) 80-96
Sulfide Removal From The Sulfide Spring
Mus’ab A. Al-Tamir | Abdulah I. Al-Haialy | Laith A. Al-Anaz |
Civil Eng. Dept., Mosul University, Iraq |
In this study ferrous sulfate had been used as an oxidant for removing the sulfide from water samples taken from sulfide spring in Hamam al-alil south of the Mosul city. The study revealed that ferrous sulfate is efficient in removing sulfide in dose not to exceed to 200mg/l with an efficiency of 77%, also adding of Bentonite clay with ferrous sulfate in a dose of 150mg/l and eliminate the black color due to addition of ferrous sulfate, However; Bentonite clay is inefficient in removing sulfide from the water with dose more than 300mg/l, also the study revealed that the use of Bentonite clay alone or with ferrous sulfate reduce the turbidity of treated water with efficiency more than 89%.
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Keywords: Water treatment, Sulfide removal, Ferrous sulfate, Bentonite Clay.