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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(4) 61-73
Performance Enhancement of The I.C. Engine By Using Thermal Storage Technique
Raid Rashad Jasim |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The project of this work is to control the temperature of mixture which enters to the I.C.E. and keeping it within a certain range which enhance its performance. Four stroke, Engine working with benzene as a fuel was used. Experimental data were taken included the exhaust temperature and the flow rate of both air and fuel. These data were formulated by using suitable theoretical relations for heat exchanger. The dimensions of the exchanger were assumed to control the inlet mixture temperature. The results proved that, it is possible to control the entering mixture temperature which enters to the I.C.E. by controlling to the speed of rotary exchanger. The results were that, at the temperatures of the environment 5oC and 10 oC it was prove that the RPM of the exchanger should be 10 RPM, also at the environment temperatures 20,30, and 40 oC ,the rotation speed should be within the ranges (3-10),(2-5.5) and (1-2) RPM respectively. In order to guarantee staying the entering mixture temperature within, the required range.
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Keywords: Thermal Storage, I.C. Engine, Rotary Heat Exchanger.