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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(4) 66-86
An Experimental Verification of The Effect of Boundary Layer Suction on The Different Angle Diffusers
Fraih K. Hummad | Abdullateef A. Jadallah |
Mechanical Dept., Anbar Technical Institute, Iraq | Technical Education Dept., University of Technology, Iraq |
The work described in this research is concerned mainly with the experimental verification of the effect of boundary layer suction on the diffuser performance having three different divergence angles. The test facility has been designed so as to permit different values of suction velocities (0, 0.386, 4.88 and 6.365 m/sec). The static pressure and total pressure were measured by pitot – static tube and inclined manometer. The application of boundary layer suction was found to increase the pressure recovery and hence increase the diffusion efficiency. An improvement in pressure recovery was found to be more significant for diffuser having divergence angle (15o).The maximum percentage improvement in pressure recovery obtained is (34.7 %). The study of B.L control through its suction leads to better understanding of the flow geometrical design and parameters.
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Keywords: Boundary Layer, Suction, Diffuser Performance, Pressure Recovery.