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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2007) 14(4) 41-60
Experimental Study to Find Fouling Factor For Treated Water in Finned Air Cooled Raditor
Maki H. Khalaf | Nassir D. Mokhlif |
Mechanical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
In this research, an empirical study has been done to find fouling factor for water flowing inside air-cooled plate finned radiator with constant heat flux beside the boundary condition of the thermal process. The research also required practical tests for finite period time(twenty days for each test). Two kinds of treated water that used in cooling towers was used to show the agreement between calculated fouling factor and this treatment. The work required test specific radiator in the beginning to calculate a design fouling factor that compared with others results with keeping the operation conditions constant. A simulation computer program required to enters all the boundary conditions for the heat system besides the correlating equations for the heat transfer of the radiator. The results show a good inspection for the fouling factor that agrees the practical analysis for the water treatment.
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Keywords: fouling factor, water treatment, thermal radiator.