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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(1) 17- 29

Process Simulation Of Benzene Separation Column Of Linear Alkyl Benzene (Lab)Plant Using Chemcad

Zaid A. Abdel-Rahman Omar Saed Latef
Chemical Engineering Department Tikrit University, Iraq


CHEMCAD process simulator was used for the analysis of existing benzene separation column in LAB plant(Arab Detergent Company/Beiji-Iraq). Simulated column performance curves were constructed. The variables considered in this study are the thermodynamic model option, top and bottom temperatures, feed temperature, feed composition & reflux ratio. Also simulated columns profiles for the temperature, vapor & liquid flow rates compositions, were constructed. Four different thermodynamic models options (SRK, TSRK, PR, and ESSO) were used, affecting the results within 1-25% variation for the most cases. For Benzene Column (32 real stages, feed stage 14), the simulated results show that bottom temperature above 200 oC the weight fractions of top components, except benzene, increases sharply, where as benzene top weight fraction decreasing sharply. Also, feed temperature above 180 oC shows same trends. The column profiles remain fairly constant from tray 3 (immediately below condenser) to tray 10 (immediately above feed) and from tray 15 (immediately below feed) to tray 25 (immediately above reboiler). Simulation of the benzene separation column in LAB production plant using CHEMCAD simulator, confirms the real plant operation data. The study gives evidence about a successful simulation with CHEMCAD.

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Keywords: Process simulation, CHEMCAD Simulator, multicomponent distillation, LAB, Benzene column.

How to cite

TJES: Abdel-Rahman ZA, Latef OS. Process Simulation Of Benzene Separation Column Of Linear Alkyl Benzene (Lab) Plant Using Chemcad. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2008; 15(1): 17-29
APA: Abdel-Rahman Z.A., Latef O.S. (2008). Process Simulation Of Benzene Separation Column Of Linear Alkyl Benzene (Lab) Plant Using Chemcad. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 15(1): 17-29
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