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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(1) 28-34

Using of Solid Detergent as an Economic Material and Environmentally Friendly Method Toward Lightweight, Slow Action and Anti Acid Concrete

Aziz I. Abdulla Mazin B. Abdulrahman
Civil Eng. Dept. -Tikrit University,Iraq.


Solid Detergent is one of the Economic materials and Environmentally friendly method towards enhancing properties of concrete. Lightweight, slow reaction and anti acid concrete can achieving by using this materials, so many test made to validate the advantage and disadvantage ; initial and final hardening time for cement mortar and compressive strength of concrete, also anti acid test made for cement mortar. The results of tests show this materials are suitable for achieving the purpose to lightweight, slow reaction additional anti acid concrete.

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Keywords: Solid detergent, lightweight concrete, anti acid concrete

How to cite

TJES: Abdulla, AI., & Abdulrahman, MB. Using of Solid Detergent as an Economic Material and Environmentally Friendly Method Toward Lightweight, Slow Action and Anti Acid Concrete. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences,(2008), 15(1), 28-34.
APA: Abdulla, A. I., & Abdulrahman, M. B. (2008). Using of Solid Detergent as an Economic Material and Environmentally Friendly Method Toward Lightweight, Slow Action and Anti Acid Concrete. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(1), 28-34. .
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