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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(2) 17- 31

Assessment of Two Phase Flow in a Venture Convergent-Divergent Nozzle

Fayadh M. Abed Al-Dulaimy Ghazi-Yousif-Mohammed
Collage of Computer and Mathematics,Tikrit University, Iraq Mech.Eng. Dept. Tikrit University, Iraq


The present study emphasized on the information of cavitations during the dual phase flow i.e. (water and vapor) in venture converge-diverge nozzle. The choice of nozzle with a transparent material (PMMA), was found suitable for the observation and measurements. The model of this problem of defining dual compressible viscous flow, and k-epsilon model. The comparisons of numerical calculation and experimental observation were found to be comparatively coincidable in cavitational zone and throat pressure, and fractional phase flow.

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Keywords: Venture converge diverge nozzle, Turbulence model, Cavitations, Two Phase Flow

How to cite

TJES: Al-Dulaimy FMA, Ghazi YM. Assessment of Two Phase Flow in a Venture Convergent-Divergent Nozzle. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2008;15(2):17-31.
APA: Al-Dulaimy, F. M. A., & Ghazi YM. (2008). Assessment of Two Phase Flow in a Venture Convergent-Divergent Nozzle. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(2), 17-31. .
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