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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(2) 17- 31
Assessment of Two Phase Flow in a Venture Convergent-Divergent Nozzle
Fayadh M. Abed Al-Dulaimy | Ghazi-Yousif-Mohammed |
Collage of Computer and Mathematics,Tikrit University, Iraq | Mech.Eng. Dept. Tikrit University, Iraq |
The present study emphasized on the information of cavitations during the dual phase flow i.e. (water and vapor) in venture converge-diverge nozzle. The choice of nozzle with a transparent material (PMMA), was found suitable for the observation and measurements. The model of this problem of defining dual compressible viscous flow, and k-epsilon model. The comparisons of numerical calculation and experimental observation were found to be comparatively coincidable in cavitational zone and throat pressure, and fractional phase flow.
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Keywords: Venture converge diverge nozzle, Turbulence model, Cavitations, Two Phase Flow