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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(2) 79- 89

Design Three Phase Overcurrent Relays Based on Microcomputer

Mohammed Y. Suliman Amer M. Kado
Technical College-Mosul, Iraq


A new design of three phase overcurrent relay described in this paper. The performance of the new design shows the ability to obtain any shape of characteristic with high accuracy and distinguish between transient and steady state fault. This design used more precise and flexible model Sachdev linear model for get any characteristic, also fast measurement theory to measure load current for less than half cycle and good hardware system design controlled by Pentium version 4 processor.

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Keywords: pickup current, time multiplier setting, programmable peripheral Interface, operating time.

How to cite

TJES: Suliman MY, Kado AM. Design Three Phase Overcurrent Relays Based On Microcomputer. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2008;15(2):79-89.
APA: Suliman, M. Y., & Kado, A. M. (2008). Design Three Phase Overcurrent Relays Based On Microcomputer. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(2), 79-89. .
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