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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(3) 27- 40
The Effect of Skulduggery in Fuel of Diesel Engines on the Performance of I. C. Engine
Raid Rashad Jassem | Thamir kalil Ibrahim | Ibrahim Thamer Nazal | Hashim Shukor Hamood |
Mechanical Engineering Department – University of Tikrit,Iraq. |
The current research aimed to study the effect of fraud in the diesel fuel on environmental pollution, the study included two samples of diesel fuel., first sample is used currently in all diesel engines vehicles, and it produced in colander of oil of Baiji, the second sample is producer manually from mixing of the Lubricating oils and kerosene with ratio (1/40), were prepared and tested in research laboratories and quality control of the North Refineries Company /BAIJI by using standard engine (CFR). comparison between two models of fuel in terms of the properties of the mixing fuel and the properties of diesel fuel standard. The results proved that the process of mixing these , leading to the minimization of Cetane number and flash point. While the viscosity increase in mixing fuel, comparison with fuel producer in the refinery, and which identical to the minimum standard specifications of diesel fuel. The tests had been carried out using the engine of (TQ) four stroke type (TD115) with a single-cylinder and compression ratio (21:1) a complement to the hydraulic type Dynamo meter (TD115). Results proved that, by using manually mixed fuel the performance of the engine is decreased, and the break power is reduced to (6.49%) compared with (5.6%) for fuel produced in refinery at speed (2750 RP.M). also at the same speed the specific fuel consumption increase (5.6%) for the same compared . At the same speed the brake thermal efficiency and the volumetric efficiency are decreased by 5.7% and 3.12% respectively. While m the exhaust temperature are increased by 3.9% . The emissions also increase from the engine when using the fuel which produced from the mixing operation, were the increasing of (CO) and (HC) (9.5%) and (4.6%) respectively, from their values upon using the fuel which was produced in refinery.
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Keywords: Diesel fuel, Fraud Industrial, Cetane number, internal combustion engines, environmental pollution.