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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(3) 76-92

Mesh Size Effects in Nonlinear Dynamic 3D-Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam Under Impact Loads

Ammar Saleem K.
Civil Eng. Dept.-University of Tikrit,Iraq.


The investigation into the effect of mesh size in nonlinear 3D-analysis of reinforced concrete beam under dynamic load presents in this paper. The behavior of reinforced concrete beam under dynamic loads are supported by intensive numerical simulations, and the effect of various parameters on the results is of great interest. Finite element simulations were performed in the nonlinear dynamic domain with modified concrete and steel constitutive models. To eliminate the dependence of the computed results on the mesh size, a procedure for calculating the ultimate tensile strain of concrete was developed and implemented into nonlinear dynamic analysis. The proposed model gives good agreement with the experimental results. In particular, the new model can be used effectively with relatively mesh size in reasonable accuracy.

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Keywords: Mesh size, Dynamic Analysis, Nonlinear Analysis, Impact loads.

How to cite

TJES: K. AS. Mesh Size Effects in Nonlinear Dynamic 3D-Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam Under Impact Loads. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2008;15(3):76-92.
APA: K., A. S. (2008). Mesh Size Effects in Nonlinear Dynamic 3D-Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beam Under Impact Loads. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(3), 76-92..
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