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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(3) 1- 16

Drag Forces and Flow Types on Unconventional Types of Stilling Basins Baffle Blocks

Omer K. Ahmad Raad H. Irzooki Rodhan A. Salah Idan I. Kadhban
Technical College, Kirkuk,Iraq. College of Engineering, Tikrit University ,Iraq. Technical Institute, Hawija,Iraq.


The aim of the present study is to indicate the drag coefficient, pressure distribution and flow types on unconventional types of angularly cutted baffle blocks and compare the results with standard baffle blocks by using the Fluent program depending and the experimental results to achieve that. Values of the drag coefficient for different baffle blocks in this study were found in terms of the primary Froude numbers. Results indicated that values of the drag coefficient for the vertically cutted blocks were less than the horizontally cutted baffle blocks in the same flow conditions. Also, maximum values of applied pressures on the surface of the vertically cutted baffle blocks were less than on other models which makes them more better than others.

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Keywords: Non-conventional baffle blocks, Stilling Basins, Drag coefficient, Pressure distribution.

How to cite

TJES: Ahmad OK, Irzooki RH, Salah RA. Drag Forces and Flow Types on Unconventional Types of Stilling Basins Baffle Blocks. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2008;15(3):1-16.
APA: Ahmad, O. K., Irzooki, R. H., & Salah, R. A. (2008). Drag Forces and Flow Types on Unconventional Types of Stilling Basins Baffle Blocks. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(3), 1-16.
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