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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2008) 15(4) 79-89

Enhancing of Wood Chipping Concrete Properties by Adding Waste Fibre

Fadia S. Kulak
Civil Eng. Dept.-University of Tikrit,Iraq.


The recycling of wood chippings, an industrial waste product, has a potential use in the production of a lightweight concrete. In modern countries, the low cost and the proximity of supply makes this material a good candidate for local building applications. This study aims to examining the ability of enhancing of a wood fibre lightweight concrete strength by reinforcing it with lathe scrap from lathe industry. Specimens have been casted, compressive and split tensile strengths were measured in addition to the wet and dry weight as per relevant British standard specifications. The wood chippings are saturated with a water for 24 hours, this is to prevent chippings from sorption the water of the mixture. Test results indicate that addition of waste fibre from lathe enhances the strength markedly and in the same time increases the weight.

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Keywords: Lightweight concrete, Wood chippings, Fibre ,reinforced concrete, Industrial waste fibres, Composite materials

How to cite

TJES: Kulak FS. Enhancing of Wood Chipping Concrete Properties by Adding Waste Fibre. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2008;15(4):79-89.
APA: Kulak, F. S. (2008). Enhancing of Wood Chipping Concrete Properties by Adding Waste Fibre. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 15(4), 79-89..
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