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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2009) 16(1) 74- 92
Analysis of Computer Aided Process Planning Techniques
Salim A. Saleh | |
Mech. Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP) has been recognized as playing a key role in Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( CIM ). It was used as a bridge to link CAD with CAM systems, in order to give the possibility of full integration in agreement with computer engineering to introduce CIM. The benefits of CAPP in the real industrial environment are still to be achieved. Due to different manufacturing applications, many different CAPP systems have been developed. The development of CAPP techniques needs to a summarized classification and a descriptive analysis. This paper presents the most important and famous techniques for the available CAPP systems, which are based on the variant, generative or semi-generative methods, and a descriptive analysis of their application possibilities.
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Keywords:CAPP, CIM, CAD/CAM, Machining.