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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2009) 16(2) 82- 92

Re-Dividing and Coding of Urbanization Kirkuk City

Najat K. Omer
Civil Eng. Dept., University of Kirkuk, Iraq


Presented in this paper is a public service data base for Kirkuk city. The data base is based on dividing the town into a number of main districts and coding the zones and neighborhoods in each of the main distracted. This coding would help in constructing a comprehensive indexing system for the available services in the Nations zones of the city. The system may then be utilized in the plans of future expansion of the city in order to reduce discrepancies in the distribution of public services. It has been found that the block system is better and more suitable than other existing methods. It can be implemented easily by governmental establishments that are involved in such services uses geographical information system (GIS).

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Keywords: Data base, Kirkuk city, Dividing, Districts, Coding, zones, Block system, Services geographical information system (GIS).

How to cite

TJES: Omer NK. Re-Dividing and Coding of Urbanization Kirkuk City. Tikrit Journal of Eng Sciences 2009;16(2):82-92.
APA: Omer, N. K. (2009). Re-Dividing and Coding of Urbanization Kirkuk City. Tikrit Journal of Eng. Sciences, 16(2), 82-92.
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