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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2009) 16(3) 18- 25
Statistical Study for Some Variables in Biological Treatment for Different Type of Wastes
Lylian J. Matee | Zeena F. Al-Hasimee |
Center for Environmental Research and Pollution Control, University of Mosul, Iraq |
In this work four types of wastewater namely domestic, dairy, sugar and textile are used to perform statistical analysis. These wastes are treated by extended aeration system. Inlet and outlet COD and S.S are used to make the statistical correlation for F/M range of 0.1-1. The results showed that the relation between COD and SS is linear for domestic, dairy and sugar waste having a correlation coefficient 0.9323, 0.8774 and 0.8698 respectively. The relation is of third degree for textile waste with correlation coefficient of 0.557 due to chemicals and heavy metals. The relation between F/M and COD for all wastes is linear. To predict COD value leaving treatment plant using F/M and SS values which are allowed to be thrown to the water body, Duncan test was made depending on outlet COD and SS which show that extended aeration is not suitable for textile waste.
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Keywords: Extended Aeration, Wastewater Industry, Activated Sludge