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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2009) 16(4) 1- 11
Kinetic Models Study of Hydrogenation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Vacuum Gas Oil and Basrah Crude Oil Reaction
Muzher M. Ibrahim | Haidar A. A’reff | Aysar T. Jarallah |
Chemical Eng. Dept., Tikrit University, Iraq |
The aim of this research is to study the kinetic reaction models for catalytic hydrogenation of aromatic content for Basrah crude oil (BCO) and vacuum gas oil (VGO) derived from Kirkuk crude oil which has the boiling point rang of (611-833)K. This work is performed using a hydrodesulphurization (HDS) pilot plant unit located in AL-Basil Company. A commercial (HDS) catalyst cobalt-molybdenum (Co- Mo) supported in alumina (γ-Al2O3) is used in this work. The feed is supplied by North Refinery Company in Baiji. The reaction temperatures range is (600-675) K over liquid hourly space velocity (LHSV) range of (0.7-2)hr-1 and hydrogen pressure is 3 MPa with H2/oil ratio of 300 H / l 2 of Basrah Crude oil (BCO), while the corresponding conditions for vacuum gas oil (VGO) are (583-643) K, (1.5-3.75) hr-1, 3.5 MPa and 250 H / l 2 respectively . The results showed that the reaction kinetics is of second order for both types of feed. Activation energies are found to be 30.396, 38.479 kJ/mole for Basrah Crude Oil (BCO) and Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) respectively.
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Keywords: Catalytic hydrogenation, Hydrotreating process, Hydrodearomatization process, Reaction kinetic models, Aromatic hydrocarbons.