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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17(1) 21- 31

Modeling and Simulation of Out of Step Blocking Relay for Power Swing using Concentric Polygons Scheme

Ahmad A. Al-Badrany
Technical Institute/ Mosul, Iraq


This paper investigates a power swing effect on a distance protection relay performance installed on (HV/EHV) transmission line as well as power system stability. A conventional distance relay can’t properly operate under transient stability conditions; therefore, it cause mol-operation, and it will adversely impact on its trip signals. To overcome this problem, the Out Of Step (OOS) relay has modeled and simulated to joint with distance relay to supervise and control on its trip signals response. The setting characteristics technique of the OOS based on concentric polygons scheme method to detect power swing under transient stability situation. This study ia a modeling and simulating using (Maltab\ Simulink) software. A Two relays had been performed and tested with two equivalents network connected to ends. The results of this study showed an activity and reliability of this way to control the distance relay response under a transient stability conditions and it indicated the possibility to find out faults which may occur at period of power swing.

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Keywords: Power swing, distance relay out of step protection technique.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Badrany AA. Modeling and simulation of out of step blocking relay for power swing using concentric polygons scheme. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2010; 17 (1): 21-31.
APA: Al-Badrany, A. A. (2010). Modeling and simulation of out of step blocking relay for power swing using concentric polygons scheme. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 17(1), 21-31. .
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