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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17(1) 32- 37
Organics and Suspended Solids Removal from Hospital Wastewater in Mosul City by SBR Method
Fakhry Y. Mahmud | Waad M. Abbas |
Coll. of Eng. ,University of Mosul, Iraq |
The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) method is used for treating samples of waste water taken from hospitals in Mosul. Many run periods are used (6-24) hours for 6 months. It is found that the organics and suspended solids removal increase with increasing the period of run, it is in the range ( 96-82 )% and ( 100-95 )% respectively, while the pH values are nearly neutral (7.05 to 7.5). BOD5 and SS concentrations of the effluent are within the limits of Iraqi standards, 40:30 mg/l respectively. Hence, SBR method could be used for treating hospitals, small factories and some residential sectors waste waters.
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Keywords: Organics, wastewater, sequence batch reactors, suspended solids, removal, wastewater treatment.