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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17(1) 32- 37

Organics and Suspended Solids Removal from Hospital Wastewater in Mosul City by SBR Method

Fakhry Y. Mahmud Waad M. Abbas
Coll. of Eng. ,University of Mosul, Iraq


The Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) method is used for treating samples of waste water taken from hospitals in Mosul. Many run periods are used (6-24) hours for 6 months. It is found that the organics and suspended solids removal increase with increasing the period of run, it is in the range ( 96-82 )% and ( 100-95 )% respectively, while the pH values are nearly neutral (7.05 to 7.5). BOD5 and SS concentrations of the effluent are within the limits of Iraqi standards, 40:30 mg/l respectively. Hence, SBR method could be used for treating hospitals, small factories and some residential sectors waste waters.

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Keywords: Organics, wastewater, sequence batch reactors, suspended solids, removal, wastewater treatment.

How to cite

TJES: Mahmud FY, Abbas WM. Organics and suspended solids removal from hospital wastewater in Mosul city by SBR method. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2010; 17 (1): 32-37.
APA: Mahmud, F. Y., & Abbas, W. M. (2010). Organics and suspended solids removal from hospital wastewater in Mosul city by SBR method. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 17(1), 32-37.
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