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Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences (2010) 17(2) 51 – 57

Multiple Data Type Encryption using Genetic Neural Network

Raid R. Al-Nima Ali N. Hamed Ridwaan Y. Srdeeq
Computer Eng. Dept., Technical Coll., Mosul, Iraq Power Eng. Dept., Technical Coll., Mosul, Iraq


The aim of this research is to build a ciphering system by using genetic neural network technique to protect data against unauthorized access to the data being transferred. The encryption data includes three stages: first Stage :- Using the genetic algorithm to train backpropagation neural network for obtaining weights. Second Stage:- Encryption data by using the weights obtained from first backpropagation layer and consider its weights as a encrypted key. third Stage:- Decryption data by using the weights obtained from second backpropagation layer and consider its weights as a decrypted key. This system is similar to coding asymmetric, and have the ability of coding a group of data such as:- pictures, waves and texts.

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Keywords: Encryption , decryption , genetic , neural network , genetic neural network.

How to cite

TJES: Al-Nima RR, Hamed AN, Sedeeq RY. Multiple data type encryption using genetic neural network. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences 2010; 17 (2): 51-57.
APA: Al-Nima, R. R., Hamed, A. N., & Sedeeq, R. Y. (2010). Multiple data type encryption using genetic neural network. Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences, 17(2), 51-57.
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